Smart Cities and IoT


As urban populations grow, cities are facing new opportunities and challenges. Modern cities use IoT technologies to ease the burden of urban growth and ensure a better quality of life.  In this article, we share our experience in IoT development and show how IoT-based solutions for smart cities transform the urban jungle into “smart” cities.  … Read more

What is AIoT?


AIoT, which stands for Artificial Intelligence of Things, is the merging of two powerful technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) In this article, we explain AIoT in great detail.  Aiot Meaning AI is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can … Read more

How IoT Works?

In recent years, the reader will have come across concepts such as “Internet of Things” or the acronym “IoT”. A simple search in Google Trends for these concepts, as well as related concepts (“IoT systems”, “IoT systems architecture”, “IoT benefits” or “IoT employment”) shows a growing trend of interest in this concept in the last … Read more

Crypto eSports Betting: Sportsbet Tennis and more


The introduction of professional video gaming competitions, popularly known as e-sports and cryptocurrencies, has completely revolutionized the sports betting industry. Cryptocurrency is growing in popularity as a form of investment and a new way of buying services and items. If you love betting, you probably know that betting using fiat currencies like the US dollar … Read more

Best IoT Cryptocurrency | Iot Crypto Price

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With several cryptocurrencies designed explicitly for the Internet of Things, it can be challenging to determine the best. Below are some of the most popular and best IoT cryptocurrency on the market and what IoT crypto price. What is the best IoT crypto? Let’s talk about what is the best IoT crypto at a moment? … Read more

Iot Business: IOT industry 4.0

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Technological improvements over the years have allowed the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) concepts, resulting in what is now called Industrial IoT (IIoT) or Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 promises to revolutionize business processes and industry management to enhance productivity in manufacturing companies. For manufacturing companies with the right mindset, IoT business will open up … Read more

Smart Home Ideas


There are excellent innovative systems and bright devices. A smart system is a command center overarching controlling products individually. This system is a command that you give when you desire that something happen. A smart device, however, is an individual product reporting to the system. Smart system is related to AI – artificial intelligence. So … Read more

Blockchain Iot Security


The IoT is helping transform how businesses operate. It supports the use of sensors among other edge infrastructure and devices. Benefits of IoT more than you imagine. As a result, many challenges will usually occur, but we need to protect them at all IoT levels. The complexity in data security is growing with the growing … Read more

Benefits of IoT


Communication is the backbone of accessible and effective communication. The IoT helps in relaying information across devices. The internet of things is flooding the market in different ranges, right from fit-bit watches to smart homes. Besides, this sector’s growth breaks boundaries where the most popular tech giants have been taking a leading role. But do … Read more